Agency Christmas cards. Gotta love ‘em

Yes, yes. I hear you. Putting agency Christmas cards into your portfolio isn’t the done thing. But I have had some fun with it recently. Here are two of my most recent favs.

The One Off - 2022

Because the agency is called The One Off, we set ourselves the challenge of creating a truly ‘one-off’ Christmas card. Turns out DALL·E 2 has the ability to create a whopping 16,777,2161048576 potential images (there are a mere 1080 atoms in the known universe). So, what better way than to live up to the name than with an AI-powered, truly utterly unique Christmas card generator. The site allowed you to curate your card based on some set prompts and then have an AI write your card too, all to be shared in the name of raising money for the mental health charity Mind. Because artificial minds should definitely be looking after real ones.

The One Off - 2021

Not a lot to say about this one. Except that no dogs were hurt during the shoot. Several were humiliated though. Sorry pups. But it did raise a bunch of money for The Dogs Trust.


Sony - VG900


Jive 5-seconds of Funny